Short Profile Of Management Team
Abu Zafar Chowdhury, GD(P), PSC
Group Captain (Retd)Chairman
A Valiant Freedom fighter, Group Captain (Retd) Abu Zafar Chowdhury, GD(P), psc was born on 8thFebruary, 1953 at Harualchari in the district of Chattogram in a elite Muslim family. Late Alhaz Ali Ahmed Chowdhury, his father was the disciple of a famous religious Muslim clergy, who was a resident of Turkey. While studying at undergraduate level, at the age of 18 years joined the Historic War of Liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. Fought in Sector No-01, covering the area of Chattogram Hill Tracks and part of Chattogram district. After the historic and glorious victory and the liberation of Bangladesh, Abu Zafar Chowdhury, joined the newly born Bangladesh Air force on 14th December 1972 as a flight cadet. That was the first batch after liberation of Bangladesh. This is undoubtedly a part of the history of Bangladesh. The group of cadets was sent to former USSR, and was trained in the Warsaw standard Frunze Military Academy. Group Captain (Retd) Abu Zafar Chowdhury has successfully graduated from that academy. He satisfaction in basic, and advanced flying, and as well as in the academics. After completion of three years vigorous training he became an operational pilot, and diploma aeronautical engineer. Besides, passing a tough exam he also qualified himself as a Russian-English-Russian language military interpreter. After completion of the training he, along with the other flight cadets of first GD (P), came back to Bangladesh in the month of November, 1975. During his carrier in the BAF he commanded very many important operational and training units. He was deputized to Iraqi Air Force for two years as a flying instructor to train future fighter pilots. He also served in the flying academy of BAF with utmost sincerity, untiring effort, and dedication. He logged a huge safe training and operational flying hours, holding highest flying hours and instructional hours,
In 1976 till mid 1980 he fought the counter insurgency operation in Chattogram, Hill Tracks (Operation Typhoon) as a Helicopter pilot with the collaboration of Bangladesh Army. He took over The DMCB in 2002. This organization is a 100 % locally sponsored privet Co-Operative Bank. In 2002 this bank had only 7 Branches with a deposit of 60 LAC taka only. With this meager amount and with the handful of branches he took over this Bank as a chairman. With his vigorous endower, zeal and brave steps he augmented the business of this BANK in all sectors as a whole. With his hard work and highly intelligent professionalism the business of the Bank started flourishing. Within a short span of time DMCB became the eye catching icon in the cooperative sector. Currently DMCB is running business with 147 Branches with a per year roll over of TK 40,000 crore.
He is a man of success. A philanthropist who donated good amount of money to the “Differently able child organization’’ [PROYAS] in different Cantonments. He also offers financial assistance for the treatment of cancer patients living below the proverty line. He has always been dedicated himself to corporate Social Responsibility activities and for the houseless poor people of his village he built houses for this deprived communities. As he is the disciple from a Elite Muslim Family he has constructed a Gorgeous Mosque in his village where hundreds of devoted Muslim offers Five time prayers. He also created a Jakat Fund for the poor peoples of his village. He is married. His wife is a highly qualified lady and she is holding the prestigious position as a Managing Director of this Bank. He has got only one highly educated Son and blessed with a Wonderful lovely Grandson. Like many others his grandson has brought all the happiness and peace for him. As if the sun has risen on the horizon.
He always dreamed and aiming to build a poverty-free Bangaladesh through co-operative theme and also believes in fostering community spirit to make the world a better place for each individual. Considering the activities of the Valliant Freedom fighter, Group Captain (Retd) Abu Zafar Chowdhury, GD(P), psc in the field of CSR , innovative schemes, highly–quality service, excellent governance, and unique management systems, he has been honored with BIZZ AWARD-2019 by the US- based international firm –World Confederation of Business. Finally Group Captain (Retd) Abu Zafar Chowdhury, GD(P), psc quoted “This is Bangladesh and This is Micro credit” I’m doing good. DMCB doing Better and INSHSALLAL Best will follow.’’
Major. A.T.M. Hamidul Hossain
Major ( Retd.) Bir Bikrom, PSCDirector
Gallantry award holder freedom fighter of the stare, Major (retd) ATM Hamidul Hossain (Tareq), Bir Bikrom, Psc was born in Bogura. Student of Bogra Zilla School, Dhaka College & a Military graduate of Quetta Staff College, Pakistan. While studying at undergraduate level, at the age of 19 years joined the Historic War of Liberation of Bangladesh in 1971. He was one of the Company Commanders of the valiant Freedom Fighters, fought under Sector No. 7. During the Final assault by the Allied Forces (Indian Army and Freedom Fighters) in Northern Sector of the than East Pakistan by 20 Mountain Division under the Command of GOC Major General Lachman Singh. His Company of Freedom Fighters was attached with 6 Guard Regiment under the Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel VK Datta and fought shoulder to shoulder. During the advance in the war field, he proceeded through the connecting axis of Fulbari-Churhkai-Nababganj-Pirganj-Palasbari-Gaibandha-Bogra and fought a series of front battles. In Pirganj his Company ambushed the enemy GOC’s Convoy of the 16 Infantry Division Commander Major General Nazar Hussain Shah who was retreating from Rangpur to Bogra. In recognition of his gallantry fighting, General Lachman Singh recommended him for an award and he was awarded the gallantry award Bir Bikkrom by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for heroic win against the then Occupation Army of Pakistan.
After that, he joined as a Commissioned Officer in Bangladesh Armed Forces and retired as a Major in 1989. After the retirement he joined Padma Oil Company (formerly called Burma Eastern) as a Senior Management level and finally served as Head of Human Resources & Head of Defense Marketing up to 2008.
In the print and electronic media, he is better known as a writer, newspaper columnist and researcher on the War of Liberation of Bangladesh. By now, he written and published as many as 35 books on the War of Liberation of Bangladesh and received KOBI SAMSUR RAHMAN AWARD for the best writer of War of Liberation. One fine morning after 25 years on 2005 Group Captain (Retd) Abu Zafar Chowdhury, GD(P), psc called him over telephone as an old friend and fellow freedom fighter. Both Friend meet together and Group Captain (Retd) Abu Zafar Chowdhury, GD(P),psc with his magnanimity appoint him as a Director of DMCB. Till today they are working together.
Lieutenant General (Retd), PhDAdvisor (International Relations)
Retired from Bangladesh Army on 29 November 2020. His 39 years of career includes vast experience of working at all levels of military command and leadership. Experienced in the highest-level decision-making process for national strategic and military affairs. Worked directly as Principal Staff to the Honorable Prime Minister (Head of the Government) for all operational, administrative matters including disaster management and UN Peace Keeping of the Armed Forces. As Adjutant General of Bangladesh Army he was Vice Chairman of Army Welfare Trust where he worked as Vice Chairman of Trust Bank Ltd.
গ্রুপ ক্যাপ্টেন খান মোহাম্মদ নজিব (অবঃ)
এনডিইউ, পিএসসি, এমডিএস, জিডি(পি)পরিচালক
খান মোহাম্মদ নজিব (অবঃ) এনডিইউ, পিএসসি, এমডিএস, জিডি(পি) ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী ১৯৪৯ সালে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। বিক্রমপুরের বিভিন্ন স্কুলে পড়ালেখা করলেও তিনি ঢাকার আরমেনিটোলা গভর্মেন্ট হাই স্কুল হতে এসএসসি এবং কায়দে আজম কলেজ হতে প্রথম বিভাগে এইচএসসি পরীক্ষায় উত্তীর্ণ হয়ে ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ফার্মেসী বিভাগে ১৯৬৮ সালে ভর্তি হন। ১৯৬৯ সালের আইয়ূব বিরোধী ও ১১ দফা আন্দোলনের প্রথম দিনেই (১৭ জানুয়ারি) ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের বটতলা হতে সাংবাদিক মাহফুজ আনাম, হাসান, সাহাবুদ্দিন সহ আরো অনেকের সাথে গ্রেফতার হন। শীঘ্রই জামিনে মুক্তি পেয়ে গণঅভ্যুত্থানের আন্দোলনে সক্রিয় ভূমিকা পালন করেন। এই ১১ দফা আন্দোলনই স্বাধীনতার ভীত তৈরী করে। এরপর আইয়ূব বিরোধী গণজাগরনের জন্য বিক্রমপুরের বিভিন্ন যায়গায় সভা-সমিতি করে বেড়ান। বিভিন্ন সাংস্কৃতিক কর্মকান্ডে জড়িত ছিলেন এবং প্রায় ৩০টি নাটকে অভিনয় করেন। কলেজ ও ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের নাটকে বিশিষ্ট ভূমিকায় অভিনয় করেন।
১৯৭০ সালের ফেব্রুয়ারিতে পাকিস্তান বিমান বাহিনীর জিডি(পি) ব্রাঞ্চে নির্বাচিত হন। স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ শুরু হওয়ায় বাঙ্গালীদের ফ্লাইং বন্ধ করে দেওয়ায় তিনি পাকিস্তানে ফ্লাইং কোর্স শেষ করতে পারেন নাই এবং দুই বৎসর পাকিস্তান জেলে কাটিয়ে ১৯৭৩ সালের নভেম্বরে বাংলাদেশে আসেন। পরে সোভিয়েট ইউনিয়ন হতে মিগ-২১ সুপারসনিক ফাইটার ফ্লাইং শেষ করেন এবং ফ্লাইং দক্ষতার জন্য সম্মান সার্টিফিকেট পান। তিনি বিক্রমপুরের প্রথম ফাইটার পাইলট। তিনি পাকিস্তান বিমানবাহিনী, বাংলাদেশ বিমানবাহিনী ও ইরাক বিমান বাহিনীতে চাকুরী করেন। তিনি ফ্লাইং দক্ষতার জন্য বাংলাদেশ বিমান বাহিনী প্রধান হতে দুইবার কমেন্ডেশন সার্টিফিকেট পান। এছাড়া তিনি ফ্লাইং ইন্সট্রাকটর এর দক্ষতার জন্য ইরাক বিমানবাহিনী প্রধানেরও প্রশংসাপত্র পান, যা একটি বিরল ঘটনা।
তিনি ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের একজন গ্রাজুয়েট। তিনি ডিফেন্স সার্ভিসেস এন্ড স্টাফ কলেজ, মিরপুর, ঢাকা; ন্যাশনাল ডিফেন্স ইউনিভার্সিটি, বেইজিং, চায়না; নেভাল পোষ্টগ্রাজুয়েট ইনষ্টিটিউট, ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া, ইউ.এস.এ. এর একজন গ্রাজুয়েট। এছাড়া তিনি ন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটি হতে প্রথম শ্রেণীতে “মাষ্টার অব ডিফেন্স সাইন্স” ডিগ্রী অর্জন করেন। বাংলাদেশ বিমান বাহিনীতে তিনি ফ্লাইং ইন্সট্রাকটর, স্কোয়াড্রন কমান্ডার, ডিপুটি কমান্ডেন্ট, চীফ ফ্লাইং ইন্সট্রাকটর, চীফ উইপন কন্ট্রোলার, তিনটি ঘাটির বেসকমান্ডার এবং এয়ার হেডকোয়ার্টারে পাঁচটি দপ্তরের ডাইরেক্টর হিসেবে কাজ করে। তিনি ডাইরেক্টর ফ্লাইট সেফটি, ডাইরেক্টর ট্রেনিং, ডাইরেক্টর অপারেশন, ডাইরেক্টর প্লানস ও ডাইরেক্টর আরমামেন্ট হিসেবে নিয়োজিত ছিলেন। তিনি দীর্ঘ তিন বৎসর ডাইরেক্টর এয়ার অপারেশন হিসেবে নিয়োজিত ছিলেন। বয়স ভিত্তিতে ২০০১ সালে অবসর গ্রহণ করেন। এরপর তিনি প্রায় ১৮ বৎসর তিনটি প্রাইভেট কোম্পানীতে এবং তিনটি এয়ারলাইন্স এ পরিচালক হিসাবে কাজ করেন। ২০১৯ সাল হতে তিনি “দি ঢাকা মার্কেন্টাইল কো-অপারেটিভ ব্যাংক লিঃ” এ পরিচালক হিসেবে নিয়োজিত আছেন।
তিনি বিবাহিত। এক ছেলে, এক মেয়ের জনক। তার তিন জন নাতি-নাতনী আছে। তিনি পাকিস্তান, ভারত, থাইল্যান্ড, মালেশিয়া, সিঙ্গাপুর, ইরাক, সৌদি আরব, তুরস্ক, আরব আমিরাত, হংকং, চীন, রাশিয়া, যুক্তরাজ্য, যুক্তরাষ্ট্র, অষ্ট্রেলিয়া সহ পৃথিবীর বিভিন্ন দেশে শিক্ষা গ্রহণ সহ ভ্রমণ করেন।
Brigadier General Md. Mahmudur Rahman Khandker (Retd) was born on 10thFeb 1953 at Kurigram District. At the age of 18, he joined the liberation war in11 Sub Sector under No. 2 Platoon of D Company, 3rd East Bengal Regiment.
He completed his BSC Engineering (Civil) from BUET in 1976. He joined Bangladesh Army in the Corps of Engineers’ in the same year (1976). In the long 32 years of his service carrier, he served many important posts in Army and other services like- Commanding Officer, Chief Instructor of Engineers; Centre& School of Military Engineering; Chief Engineer, Dhaka City Corporation; Officer Admin, DGFI; Garrison Engineer, Base Bashar, BAF; Project Officer, Dhaka Flood Protection Embankment; Station Commander, Jessore Garrison (55 Div); Directors at Army Head Quarter (AHQ), Bangladesh Army.
He also served as staff officer in Bangladesh Military contingent to Kuwait from 1991 to 1993. He is married and blessed with two daughters. He is retired from BD Army on 11Th February 2008.
Major General AKM Abdullahil Baquee, rcds, ndu, psc (Retired) has been the advisor to The Dhaka Mercantile Cooperative Bank Limited since 02 February 2020. Major General Baquee was born on 03 January 1964 in Chapai Nawabgonj Sub Division under Rajshahi District. He had his early schooling in Chapai Nawabgonj Model School and Horimohon High School. He passed his SSC and HSC from Rajshahi Cadet College. Under Rajshahi Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, he passed in the first division securing 3rd and 5th position in the merit list respectively in SSC (1980) and HSC (1982) examination in Science group. In his school and college life he has been a good player and athlete. He was captain of the college Football team which became champion in the Inter Cadet College Sports Meet in 1982. He made a record timing in the 3000 meter Steeple Chase event in the same sports meet. He was the College Prefect of Rajshahi Cadet College in the Year 1981-82.
Major General Baquee joined Bangladesh Military Academy in the year 1982 with 10TH BMA Long Course. He was appointed as Battalion Senior Under Officer (BSUO, the highest appointment as a Gentleman Cadet) of the Cadet Battalion. He received the coveted “President’s Sword of Honor” for his best all-round performance in the academy. He also earned his B. Sc. degree from Chottogram University with a First Class (Distinction in Mathematics). He was commissioned as an Infantry officer in the year 1984.
Major General Baquee, during his service, attended Army Command and Staff Course from Defense Services Command and Staff College, Mirpur and obtained his Masters degree in Defence Studies from Bangladesh National University in 1995. He is a PhD candidate (2019-2020) in Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), under the Center for Higher Studies and Research. He is also an adjunct faculty in Faculty of Business Studies (Department of Business Administration), Faculty of Security and Strategic Studies (Department of Peace Conflict and Human Rights), Faculty of Arts and Social Science (Department of Development Studies) in BUP. The General is a fellow of National Defence University (2004-2005), Washington .He is also a fellow of South Korean National Defence University, Seoul (2010-2011) and Royal College of Defense Studies, London (2018-2019). He is now an academic advisor for the Course Members of National Defence College (NDC), Mirpur. He also renders service as resource person to the course members of Armed Forces War Course in NDC.
While in service, the officer had two tours of duties in the United Nations Peace Keeping Missions; one in UNIKOM at Iraq-Kuwait borders (1999-2000) and the other in UNAMIS at Khartoum (2007-2008). The officer served as Commandant of School of Infantry and Tactics (SI&T), Sylhet, and Commandant of Defence Services Command and Staff College (DSCSC), Mirpur. He also had tenure of service as Senior Directing Staff at National Defence College, Mirpur. He completed his service career in the year 2021 from NDC.
Major General Baquee was team captain of the Army Football team in 1991, and he received "Army Blue" in Football in the same year as the Army Team clinched first ever international trophy in Kathmandu, Nepal, taking part in ‘Tribhuvan Challenge Shield’. He served tenure of 2 years (2016-2018) as Vice President of Bangladesh Golf Federation and the Vice President of Kurmitola Golf Club. He was President of Bogura Golf and Country Club from 2013 to 2016. He is a kin golfer. He loves travelling. He is fluent in Bangla and English, can read Arabic and understands Indonesian Language (Bahasa Indonesia), Turkish Language (Turkche) and Korean Language (Hangul).
AWC, PSCAdvisor (Public Relations)
Brig Gen AKM Shamsuddin (Retd) graduated from Bangladesh Military Academy (BMA) in June 1984 and retired as Brigadier General on 31 December 2016. He attended all the mandatory courses designed for an Infantry officer in Bangladesh Army. He is a proud graduate of United States War College (awc) and Defence Services Command & Staff College (psc). Brig Gen AKM Shamsuddin (Retd) also attended Courses/Seminars at home and abroad. He did course on 'Peace and Stability Operations' at Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, Pennsylvania, USA. 'Combating Terrorist Networks' at Joint Special Operations University, Florida, USA. 'Strategic Security Course' at Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies. Hawaii, USA and 'United Nation Peace Building and Stability Operation Seminar' in New Delhi, India.
Brig Gen AKM Shamsuddin (Retd) had the unique experience of serving as Staff in different capacites. As Grade One and Two Staff Officer in Brigade, Area and Army Headquarters, he could acquire a wide experience in staff functions, especially in planning, formulating, preparing and imparting training to a large number of people and looking after their administrative aspects as well. He served as a Director of National Security Intelligence (NSI). He has also served as a Director of Pay, Pension and Allowances Directorate of Bangladesh Army Headquarters.
Brig Gen AKM Shamsuddin (Retd) successfully commanded an Infantry Brigade and Army Security Unit. He also commanded three Battalions including one Infantry, Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) and Rapid Action Battalion (RAB). He has participated in United Nations Peacekeeping Mission as one of the members of the Bangladesh Contingent in Somalia and in South Sudan as a Military Observer. He performed as a team leader of Multinational Military Observer Team in South Sudan.
Brig Gen AKM Shamsuddin (Retd) was born on 01 January 1963. He passed Bachelor of Arts from Chittagong University. He did his Masters in Defense Studies from National University and MBA from Southeast University.
During his student life he used to play in Dhaka First Division Hockey League. He represented Dhaka Mohamedan, Wari and Dhaka Victoria Sporting Club. He was the team captain of Dhaka Mariner Young’s Club. He was selected for the Bangladesh Jubo Hockey team for participating at the Asian Youth Hockey Tournament which was schedule to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia before joining Bangladesh Military Academy in the year of 1982. Brigadier General Shams is an avid Golfer. He was Vice President of Ghatail Golf Club and Rangpur Golf and Country Club. He is a life member of Dhaka Mariner Young’s Club. He is happily married to Ardey Zaman and a proud father of one daughter and one son.
BSP, NDC, PSCAdvisor
Brigadier General Shah-Noor Jilani (Retd) joined The Dhaka Mercantile Co-operative Bank limited as Advisor (Marketing and Monitoring) on 01 March 2021. Shah-Noor Jilani was born in january 1967 at Mirsharai of Chottogram district. He belongs to a SHAHEED family. At the age of 4 years he lost his Father, Mother, Two Brothers and the only sister who all were killed by the Pakistan Army during Liberation War on 06 April 1971. Had his primary and high school education at chottogram until he joined Jhenidah Cadet College in 1979 and Passed both SSC and HSC under Jessore Board in 1983 and 1985 respectively. He was House Prefect (1984-1985) and a promiant All-rounder Cadet for Games, Sports, Cultural events and Academic Subjects as well. His record timing in 400 metres Hurdles made in 1983 remains unbroken until date. He received ‘COLLEGE BLUE’ in Basket Ball (1985) and BMA colour in 1987. He joined Bangladesh Military Academy with 16th BMA Long Course in August 1985 and was Commissioned in the Core of Infantry in 1987. He was appoineted as Battalion Junior Under Officer (BJUO) in BMA.
Shah-Noor Jilani is a retired Brigadier General who have served Bangladesh Army and United Nations over 33 years in a diverse range of administrative, instructional, management and leadership positions in different challenging and multi-cultural environments. Each of the position held demands deep involvement in strategic planning, security and risk management, effective administration, sound and efficient financial management, critical analysis and decision making along with HR development and management. In his long tour of duty, Brigadier General Jilani served as Commandant Corps of Military Police (CMP), Deputy Commandant of The East Bengal Regimental Centre (EBRC) and Pioneer Commander of 99 Composite Brigade at Padma Multi Purpose Bridge Project. He was Managing Director (MD) of the Largest Army Officers Housing Project JOLSHIRI. During his service, the officer had two tour of duties in the United Nations Peace keeping Mission; One in UNIKOM (Iraq-Kuwait, 1994-95) and another in MONUSCO (DR Congo 2010-11). Finally Brig Gen Jilani Completed his service as Deputy Director General from Director General Defence Purchase (DGDP) on 31 December 2020.
Brigadier General Jilani has been awarded with “Bishisto Sheba Padak” (BSP) for his extraordinary performance and contribution in constructing Emergency Embarkment at Padma Bridge site in 2014 as Commander 99 Composite Brigade.
Brigadier General Jilani is a kin Golfer and associated with different Golf Clubs of the Country. Presently he is EC member and Chairman Tournaments Commitee of Army Golf Club (AGC) Dhaka. He is also member of Dhaka Club and Chittagong Boat Club. He loves travelling and travelled 21 Countries so far. He is Happily married to Nusrat Hossain who is a banker and now serving as Chief Manager (SAVP) in Trust Bank Ltd, Radission Br, Dhaka. They have two sons studing in University and College.